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New Council Offices

To answer one critic on the new offices: most of the computers used in the office are personal lap top computers supplied by ourselves. The tables and chairs are mostly supplied from store, apparently purchased well before we came to office, the decor is rather spartan to say the least, but we are adding our own little personal touches to our work spaces. We have the luxury of a small fridge freezer supplied by me from my underbuild. As far as the rent for the local is concerned it works out considerably cheaper than any of the other, newer locals we were offered.

If you are not sure about this statement I have added the photos at this address
Do click in and have a look for yourself. Plus if you do at some time need to go there you will know what the outside looks like.

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-09 10:04:26 UTC

Jeff it is good to see that you appear to be keeping your personal costs down.
I hope the rest of the councillors are like minded.I do wish you success for the next four years,but of course I will shout if i feel that something untoward is happening,but hopefully I will only be singing your praises,so best of luck for the future

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-09 10:36:49 UTC

You are compleatly missing the point here!
We have TWO Town Halls! Use them!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-10 06:21:11 UTC

Have you taken leave of your senses?
Jeff "keeping his personal costs down" you say.
You cannot fail to be aware of the fact that Jeff has just appointed, a personal assistent, an interpretor, a person to maintain contact with the town hall which in his case is about 15 feet away plus a selection of other advisors. Not to mention the cost of his new offices, both to set up and maintain.
If Jeff wanted to save money or keep his personal costs down as you call it, then he would be in a Town Hall like everyone else, using the resources there rather than appointing "a personal team" , would he not?
Despite having voted for PIPN in the hope of getting European representation on the council I feel that Jeff is showing a total lack of integrity and total dissrespect for the people he represents, namely the residents on the urb.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-10 06:26:44 UTC

Angelique IT IS YOU THAT IS MISSING THE POINT this office deals with the English speaking people on the Estate and we the Brits approve this move.
Swedish, German , Dutch or French also in most cases have English as there second tongue so it is of great assistance to all us foreigners. Your party did not get into power lets see how these do. Voting is over.
When and if they start making mistakes is the time to attack.

Commented Alice in Rentals in Spain 2011-07-10 06:39:36 UTC

It is interesting to note Angelique that you are one of the few regular posters who has not yet put a photo up or Avatar do you need help in doing this??????????

Commented Ian in La Marina 2011-07-10 06:46:51 UTC

My party, as you call it, is PIPN who despite have only one of the elected councilors seems to be taking an immense chunk of the budget to spend on absolutely nothing. As far as PP is concerned Jeff's vote is very, very expensive for us all in La Marina, indeed the whole of San Fulgencio.
Regretably the integrity of my party and its elected leader is questionable to say the least.
I do not need to go to a special office, full of unnecessary, inapropriate advisors to speak to my elected leader Jeff. The Town Hall suits me and everyone else fine.
You ask me to complain when things go wrong. That is exactly what I am doing, this is the biggest political mistake, all categories in San Fulgencio history. Mind you I have only been here 23 years so I might have missed something earlier.
Finally I take objection to your suggestion that my party did not get in, until I have told you in this message that I in fact supported PIPN how did you know which my party was?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-10 06:55:32 UTC

Thank you for your kind offer but I am fine thanks. If I need your help on anything I hope that I can ask and you will help me.
Apologies to Alan for my mistake.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-10 06:57:38 UTC

I doubt that Angelique needs any help putting up her photo/Avatar - she seems to know Everything (or think she does). (I doubt that's even her proper name).....................

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-10 07:11:31 UTC

I can understand why you are p****d off with Jeff and the council,you apparently should of been aloud to apply for a translators position on the new council,we can see why you didnt get the job,as no one was aloud to apply,If i was in your position I would be annoyed as well,but it is done now,we can only hope nothing so underhand will happen again.
We now have a set up in the Urbs for things to move forward for the betterment of all of us,so lets give it a go,we will not get these five people sacked so just make sure that if any of their jobs become vacancies at any time the jobs are fill openly and with the best person getting the job
On saying that ,it is important that if we feel something is not right we should shout and shout loud,that does not apply only to council jobs,but to anything we feel is dodgy or underhand,if you dont shout no one will listen,I am sure many things will happen on the Urbs in the near future,some good some bad,let us applaud the good and scream loudly at the bad

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-10 07:19:55 UTC

I am glad you dont need my help,Which id just as well as I didnt offer you any.I think if you read through again,the only person to offer you assistance was Ian and that was to help you put your Avator on the website.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-10 07:26:14 UTC

Why does everyone still keep going into this...its like eastenders, corination street and emmerdale rolled into one. It does not matter who is in or who is out but, if you all put as much passion into your own lifes like you are about Jeff and hes new office then sh*t you wouldnt have half the problems you all got now in your personal life. I went and spoke to Jeff myself last week and i had no problems at all. There was even a german man before me talking to him so i think the message is loud and clear wether your German,English,Spanish,Italian,Sweedish, or one of the many others it seem there all going to the office on the Urb. You all seem to be good at facts so tell me when was there ever any other PSOE or AP or AIM at that little town hall next to the new office in the past four years or would you have to drive all the way to San Fulgencio to get a appointment..Theres no point in arguing the deal is sealed and thats that

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-07-10 07:49:14 UTC

thanks for telling me how to sort out my personal life,i am sure my family and friends,will be well impressed.
As for the last time we had a councillor in an office for us to see,the answer is easy if you had looked around and asked most people you would of been told,The late and Great Mr Blake a councillor with AIM was always at the Tourist Office next to the Clinic in la Marina Urb.As it happens he didnt have a desk to sit at and no modern appliances except a mobile phone.The only time i needed to see him regarding a matter. he listened then made a phone call and my problem was sorted.Unfprtunately he died soon after this.So please engage brain before operating mouth.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-10 08:16:21 UTC

Angelique surely it is better to have an office on the Urb where the ex-pats can go and talk to someone. There is not enough room in the other office for all those people others are saying, are going in there to complain.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-10 08:30:11 UTC

I like it when Mr. Wiszniewski answers questions openly on this forum. I have seen that the Ayuntamiento employed gardeners are now working on cleaning up some of the private green areas on the urb. Can you please advise how I can apply to have our private green area cleaned up behind our house in Ave San Fulgencio? Thank you, Don.

Commented Don in La Marina 2011-07-10 09:31:55 UTC

Alan, i hear what your saying infact i hear what everyone is saying. You all seem to forget though this is a new goverment just over one month old and everyone seems to be living in the past. So if we all want to talk about the new goverments money spending and how you think this and that is wrong, im sure we could all talk about how the PSOE and AP abandoned this Urb for the last eight to twelve years. Look at the nice pavements San fulgencio village has. Look at that pointless fence on the main road leading into the San Fulgencio with the nice red slab path way that goes on for miles and miles into the village which i may point out that theres no more than 10 people use everyday. What happend to the Urb. like someone said we were given a few "token gifts"..well im sorry i want people who live on oasis to come on this forum and state how the last goverment ignored you from day one left all the drainage exposed and how it affected you and your family. No goverment can do anything in 5 weeks. Remember you live in the Urb a urb that for the past god knows how many years has been left to rot. So if a new goverment comes in and spends a silly amount on wages and cant make a change over four years then hey hoo slate them all you want but, 5 weeks into the new goverment we,you, and i have no write to do it just yet. voice your opinons all day and all night long. Untill maybe next year there will be no change really but, if things are done on the Urb and it slowly starts picking up then shame on all of us for going straight for the throat after just 5 weeks

Commented Andi in La Marina 2011-07-10 10:20:58 UTC

Further to costs; I understand that many people are worried about the wages for "My advisors", but please remember their wages are apparently less than the wages for the 4 employed by the last group. They are not "My advisors" as they are working for the corporation. One of whom is currently working in the Tourist Office, helping all who care to call. Two others are in the process of assisting the councillor for the fiestas , by helping to plan the Summer Fest for the first weekend in August. Another is currently working on revamping the San Fulgencio Web Page with a facillity to translate it into 7 different languages. One of tyhe others who has worked in several Town Halls over the last 20 years is bringing to the table his expertise for the use of all the councillors. So please try to get the idea out of your head's that they are "My advisors", they are working for all the councillors and most importantly for you the residents of our community. They are working in the same office but under my direction.
When I see what has been spent over the last few years on items and projects that you the people of the Urbs have not shared in, it makes me mad. With your support and your comments we hope to rectify what we perceive as many wrongs.

Commented Jeff Wiszniewski in La Marina 2011-07-10 10:52:51 UTC

At last some one has mentioned 'Oasis' which is the first time I have heard it mentioned.
I do not live on Oasis,but unfortunately I have had to drive through some of it while the road out of la Marina to Elche is being repaired,it is criminal that people have to live in conditions that some of these people are living in.
The roads and sewers are a disgrace,these people have been complaining for years,but it is everybodies problem that no one wants to solve.Yes 'Oasis is La Marinas problem,it is part of La Marina Urbs,But it looks like everybody including myself wants to distance themselves from,.Apart from a couple of marches,nobody is helping these people whose need is greater than ours.So I have woken from my comfy Villa onto my clean road and realised how lucky I am not to live in such conditions as the people of Oasis have to

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-10 11:16:24 UTC

Jeff without sounding rude it seems that at last you have grown a pair of balls,and are hitting back,But wouldnt it of been better to tell us we had a person in the tourist office to help 'all who care to call'
but nobody knew this until today.Anyway your comment did have a feeling that you had some back bone,
i hope you can use this At Council meetings to make sure that people of La Marina get the Urb that they deserve and not the petty handouts they have been given in the past

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-10 11:39:51 UTC

You seem like a lovely lady Eve but it is a little ignorant of you to say most foreigners speak English! I have German and French people living near me and they dont speak a word of English, let's not forget Mr  Wiszniewski had german candidates on his list and in the run up to the elections his policy was multinational representation for people in the urbanisations, what happened to that! Also Eve the point people are making on this forum is that mistakes have already been made, lies and underhanded dealings are going on now, I have kept quiet these last few days because I thought everything had been said on the subject and because people have other subjects to talk about, but if people want to keep bringing it up then I'm more than happy to reply.
Andi, why is it all of a sudden you are telling people to concentrate on their own lives and leave current councillors alone when it wasn't that long ago you were the one writing hateful comments about the last administration! Talk about double standards.
Carol and Ian, you keep making comment on the fact Angelique hadn't put an avatar on but you have not mentioned this once to curious who can't even state her own name! Has it not occurred to you that Angelique might not have any photos stored on her computer or that she could be using a phone which doesn't allow you to put photos onto a website!
Mr Wiszniewski, may I suggest that before you reply to anything on here you need to get your facts right.  It has been confirmed that the previous 3 professional translators, now sacked, received only 1,200€ per month each, so how can you say that the high costs of the 5 new advisors is less than what the previous ones were receiving when the lowest wage for any one of yours is 1700€ and the highest 2,600€. You also said these 5 employees are not your advisors, but if you had not got your seat on the council then these people would never have been employed! You can not deny that the way these people got their jobs was underhanded, they were all PIPN candidates in your list! You can try to explain it away but sorry to say many people believe that it is an item for debate.
Now obviously people have different opinions, there are some that have a few issues with Mr Wiszniewski and a few that don't, this is a place to discuss matters and surely all opinions are welcome, not just the favorable ones, Mr Wiszniewski above all else knows this as he dished the dirt many a times when he was a newspaper reporter!

Commented Julie in La Marina 2011-07-10 16:13:24 UTC

I am with you and your comments.
If we get rid of Jeff's private advisors, his office etc then we could afford a convoy of tarmac lorries to get Oasis and La Marina sorted.
This is what I thought Jeff was about and would get done ASAP.
Sorry that both he and I missunderstood what he stands for.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-10 17:04:08 UTC

Andi, I live in Oasis and i cant ever see the roads getting sorted, we are not on the top of list of things to far as they are concered we have put up with it for this long so we can put up with it for longer, it hasnt really affected my family at all apart from it being a pain driving on the bumpy roads.

Commented lisa in La Marina 2011-07-10 19:16:33 UTC

If we continue to spend the San Fulgencio funds, better described as OUR money, on things that are unnecessary, such as an advisor placed in the Tourist Bureau when we already have capable staff there or Personal Assistent to Jeff when apart from spending OUR money he does not seem to do anything then you do not have a snowball in hell's chance of getting your roads sorted out in Oasis. There simply is not enough money to support Jeff's organisation and buy tarmac?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-11 05:41:39 UTC

Angelique, as you say that you were PIPN, (which i know for a fact you are not) i would suspect that your bitterness towards Jeff and his party was the result of the fact you were not offered a job, but if i was in Jeffs shoes and needed to fill the position i wouldnt hire you if YOU PAID ME, such obvious disloyalty would rule you out in 5 seconds flat, its just the bitterness of someone who couldnt be loyal if their life depended on it, GET OVER IT..
we have a new council led by a very personable Mayor who is trying to do whats best for his town and if he feels the advisers are doing the job well he will keep them, if not then he will re-evaluate the situation, its not your choice who is hired and fired, so give it a rest , do you really think that you will gain allies with these poisonous remarks, in 4 years you will have your chance to form your own party,(not that you dont already belong to one) and stand for election but i can say this, dont count on my vote.
And as for others on here who continue to spout bile and mis information,WE ARE BORED WITH IT NOW, get over it and think what you can do for the urb rather than trying to undermine it, if you dont like it go back to the UK and join the BNP, you live in Spain, under Spanish law so accept their way of life or go home as for my not using my real name or this space

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-07-11 07:04:29 UTC

Just for your benefit, please watch my lips:
I VOTED FOR PIPN IN THE LAST ELECTION, the reason being I would have liked more European representation in The Town Hall.
Please tell me if there is anything in the above statement that you do not understand and I will willingly speak in words of one syllable until you do understand.
Don't be stupid Curious I am 76 years old I do not need a job.
The point I am making is that I am bitterly dissappointed in the credibility, integrity and total lack of judgement in the person I helped to get elected. Jobs for his friends being only one example!
I would suggest that rather than your knowing "things about me" which have proven to be unadulterated nonsense I suggest you ask me if you think there is something you need to know about me.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-11 08:03:35 UTC

Angelique, one minute you are part of the PIPN, then you backtrack and say you voted for them, one minute you are unemployed and werent offered the job with your wealth of experience as a translator in a hundred languages, next you are 76 and dont need a job, so if you dont need the job why are you complaining that you werent offered it, the story is starting to unravel a little isnt it????
You helped jeff get elected, lets just look how many english councillors would there be if ap got in?? and with a three way split in the town hall there would be more infighting than sticking 9 cats in a bag. before you post read what you have already posted to make sure you get your story straight....BORED NOW..

Commented Richie in La Marina 2011-07-11 09:06:47 UTC

Do you not find yourself tiresome? I do but I will nevertheless try to clarify matters for you!
I am NOT a member of PIPN, I have never said or even suggested that I am!
My total involvement with PIPN is nothing more or nothing less than I voted for them for the reasons given to you not more than a few minutes ago!
As far as being unemployed, I can confirm that I am most definitely unemployed!
As far as not getting offered a job. the very point I was trying to make was that not only I but noone else was offered a job because none of us knew that The Council/Jeff were recruiting, the entire process was conducted behind our backs in a decitful manner!
I think I have answered those questions which you have been confused about, the rest of the garbage does not require any answers?
I am pleased for your own peace of mind that you choose to question me on clarification of matters concerning my person and I will willingly answer any further questions of clarification that you may have.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-11 09:52:00 UTC

Julie i do not remember saying all foreigners speak English. Please refresh my memory on this. Perhaps i have Alzeimers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think you have me mixed up with Alice and I don't think I look like HER at all.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-12 08:28:40 UTC

Having visited the council offices yesterday and having a word or two with Jeff,My personal opinion of him is that he is a likeable fellow
As for the comment of his'Luxurious Accommodation' I can only ask ,did you look in the correct place because the office i went to is far from that,it is sparse and is just one room with wall dividers seperating areas.
I did promise that i would put on here what was discussed,but to be fair to everyone these things are still on going and as I cannot predict the outcome,i think it better to wait until some sort of outcome appears.Jeff and the council seem to have a lot of ideas for la Marina Urbs,but as we have learnt over the years,talk and action are two different words.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-12 09:04:16 UTC

I totally agree with you that Jeff is one of the most likeable people you could ever meet.
You may remember that I posted a remark earlier in this forum, when the animal ambulance was being discussed. You will remember that Jeff assured us all that after its MOT the ambulance would be returned to K9 and normal service would be resumed. Time has passed, the ambulance has not reappeared and we have no knowledge of its whereabouts.
At that time I went on record as saying that "Jeff was being carried away by his own enthusiasm" I know, as you clearly do that Jeff's intentions at that time were well meant.
My problem, if I can call it a problem, with Jeff is that he has totally lost his way. Nowhere in his pre election documentation did he mention offices for himself, the backhanded building of an advisor network, the removal of the animal ambulance etc.
He was not elected by the 208 people who voted for him on any other basis than to serve the Urbanisation as Mike Blake did with his chair and mobile telephone before his tragic death.
Do you, or for that matter does Jeff himself, believe that building offices, spending monies on unnecessary advisors, increasing dramatically the expenditure on our already recorded deficits is serving the Urb?
There is nothing wrong with Jeff other than he seems to be totally ignoring, not only the people who voted for him but the whole of the Urb?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-12 10:31:10 UTC

I know we do not always agree,but that is what forums are about,in the end you hope to find common ground and build from there.
We have some common ground ,we both agree that jeff is a likeable fellow,and that the late Mike Blake was too.It is good to see that we are supplied instant access to a councillor on the Urb.albeit rent has to be paid to get this.I do not believe the satellite Town hall is big enough to take anymore permanent staff,so that I realise had to be vetoed,and i dont know of any other way a councillor could of been accommodated,
San Fulgencio is in debt to a large amount,albeit so is the Valencia region,so we cannot expect help from them to get us in liquid assetts.
As I stated earlier i had a chat with Jeff yesterday,I have decided not to put on here what was said,except the Animal
ambulance,and noise or lack of it coming from bars,were my two main things,Jeff gave me answers to both of these things.and hopefully soon I expect to hear from him via the forum.on the finalities of these two points,until then it does not seem fair for me to say if i believe either one will end up with a happy ending,but if jeff is as positive with what he wants,these things may have nicer endings than I anticipated.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-12 11:29:58 UTC

It is bad enough that Jeff is secretive, even deceitful when it suits him but you must realise that anything Jeff does or says affects us all.
The late great Mike Blake "reigned" from a chair with his mobile phone in the satelite Town Hall, why cant Jeff do that?
If you feel that having discussed the animal ambulance and conditions in pubs/restaurants with Jeff and witholding the results of those discussions leaves either you or Jeff holding more secrets then good luck to you both.
The likelyhood of Jeff sharing anything with any of us is highly unlikely, is it not?
I am sorry Alan but I cannot see how you can be mesmorised by Jeff, he is ineffective and does not communicate his thoughts or intentions?
Is this the kind of politician ant of us need here in the Urb?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-12 18:05:47 UTC

Angelique,Oh Angeliqu
Iwas just thinking that with perseverance I could get along O.K. with you,then as you do to other people on this forum,you start playing the olde good cop bad cop routine,
With you one minute jeff is a really nice guy,then next he is deceitful and lord knows what else.
Yes Mike Blake did operate from a chair and with a mobilr phone but not as you said fron the satellite town hall.
but from the tourist info office,and I bet if someone offered him an office he would of taken it,if only so that he could be allowed to be more professional.I am sure Mike died before the satellite town hall was finished(although I could be wrong on that)Then to say that jeff had mesmorised me just showed how little you know me.I have already said that both of these things i spoke about have a way to go,jeff has told me what he wants to happen,I commented earlier I wasnt sure if those things would happen,but if so They would be good endings,nothing more,i can assure you that if things dont turn out the way he would likew,i will start shouting
One thing you will learn about me in time is a saying my Father taught me 60years ago and that is 'Dont get mad Get even',If I find out that jeff deliberately lied to me that is what I will do

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-12 19:01:14 UTC

Personally I see no reason why you and I could not get along!
Let me clarify my position for you as far as Jeff is concerned. Yes Jeff is one of the nicest people you could meet, that is my opinion and just for your benefit I express it again. However, as I have said in this forum it is my opinion, please bear in mind I do not nor do I attempt to speak for anyone else, that he has definitely lost the plot. His pre election information etc and his post election actions are not consistent one with the other. This is my "grudge" if you will call it that with Jeff.
You have my personal assurance that Mike Blake used the satelite town hall as his office, perhaps you are right that he may also have used the tourist office as well, I don't know, however, you have my assurance that I have on several osassions with my "problems" visited him in the satelite town hall and if he could not be found there then you would find him in what is now the Dutch/German bakery and coffee shop, more or less adjacent to Jeff's office, either having a morning coffee or eating his lunch.
Clearly I have no idea what you and Jeff discussed but on your own admission whatever it was is being kept secret, which really emphasises the point I have been trying to make that since Jeff came into office he has not communicated with us at all? I do not think that you could deny that?
I hope that this clarifies my position on these matters? If not then let me know what you wonder over and I will willingly give you further clarification of my thoughts/opinions.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-13 05:37:45 UTC

I was having a problem ,trying to remember,when the new satellite Town hall opened,As i really could not remember knowing that Mike Blake actually worked from there.
The only thing I could find was that Mike was interred on the 27th June 2009,and the satellite Town hall was inaugrated on the 2nd November 2009.
This does not mean that you were mistaken about meeting Mike there on several occasions for all that i remember the Town Hall may of been open for ages before it was inaugrated.
Hopefully you can assist me if you know the actual date that the Town Hall was actually staffed and working.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-13 12:56:17 UTC

I have to say that we had a problem and Jeff is doing his best to get it sorted and the council have taken responsibility. We have to wait to see work started, as yet, to put the problem right, but, we have at least been listened to.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-13 16:46:56 UTC

Now you have hit a nerve!
To the best of my knowledge the satelite town hall has never worked properly, apart from the times Mike Blake was involved, if you are thinking about service to us Europeans?
I well remember that my neighbour and I complained a total of six times over a four month period that our street lights were not functioning. I was personally banned from the town hall because one of the men who worked in there told me on each and every ocassion he had reported the fault to the council electrician and he asked me not to come back.
I spoke with Mark Lewis and the lights were mended within 24 hours.
Those were in the days before the satelite town hall was modernised and as you say inaugerated. You will remember that the satelite town hall is not a newly built structure, is was merely refurbished and inaugerated as you say.
Frankly I cannot remember how long the satelite town hall has been open, however, it is some years.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-13 19:05:21 UTC

You amaze me, you have seen signs of life from Jeff and as you say he is sorting things out?
Remember his various comments concerning the animal ambulance all of which proved to be ill informed, inaccurate and unadulterated nonsense from his side?
Otherwise we have not heard a dicky bird from him?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-13 19:13:47 UTC

Yes I have heard from him, he rang us at home and when we went into the office he was very decent to us, so until I have something to moan about, i will keep quiet. We can all speculate about things, but how many of you people have actually served on a local or district council in England - it is a thankless job. People are quick to criticise but, do you every get any thanks when things go right - NO YOU DON'T.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-14 16:43:03 UTC

I am very pleased for you that you are satisfied with your Jeff contact.
Good luck to you and I hope he told you the truth?

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-14 18:49:30 UTC


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These lovely and huge apartments of 135m2 are now on offer at realistic prices, each one is different in price. Well worth having a look. For more details and photos please send me an email. Kind regards


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La Marina

This apartment sounds exactly the kind of accommodation a friend of mine and her husband are looking for. I most definitely will send this link over to them. I know that they wish to come over for quite a few months as they are looking to purchase a property - Regrettably I do not know their exact criteria at the moment ! I would like to say that I am thoroughly enjoying this forum. Very informative and highly amusing with the various disagreements and debates that are going on between different people.

Commented QueenBee in La Marina 2011-07-13 15:14:39 UTC

Just to let you know QueenBee that we have already had a couple of enquiries about this particular property. If you're friends are interested please get them to contact us
e-mail: [email protected]

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-14 15:27:14 UTC

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Santa Pola

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